The lack of free-loading hornbill tenants was more than made up for by sightings of so much other flora and fauna(that included possibly 2 species of hornbills), so it's all good. However we saw simply too much to report in one post and as such, it will be reported over the span of a few days and several posts.
The 2 HBBs were of different designs, as shown below. We figured since we're more desperate to have them around, than they are to stick around, we'll offer them some choices as to what type of home they prefer; i.e. we'll kiss up to them. We're not-so-secretly hoping that they pick the one on the right though, because we think it looks prettier.
Now all that's left to do is to send them telepathic messages to get them to pick the one that WE prefer, being proponents of free thought and all. Apparently there are many "telepathic animal communicators" out there. Don't suppose they speak hornbill... (Google: Animal telepathic communication)
HBB Type 1
HBB Type 2: made from coconut tree trunk
Fruits of the MacArthur Palm were placed on the roof of HBB Type 1 and at the entrance of HBB Type 2(as can be seen above) to lure them. Like many other birds such as the Pink-necked green pigeon (Treron vernans) and the Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopacea), some hornbills too feed on this fruit. It wasn't our idea though, so we won't claim credit for this genius. Kudos to the Malaysians for trying to entice the birds with food. Let's hope it works *keeping our fingers crossed*
Also, we have 2 volunteers-in-miniature who have assured us that they will check the HBBs regularly for any signs of Hornbill activity. It appears the Big Brother is upon them...
Stay tuned.
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